Laura W. Morgan owns and operates
Family Law Consulting in Amherst, Massachusetts. She is the
of Child Support Guidelines:
Interpretation and Application (Wolters Kluwer, 1st ed. 1996, 2d ed.
2012 and Supps.), the leading treatise on child support guidelines
in the United States and was the Chair of the Child Support Committee
of the Family Law Section
of the American Bar Association for six years. As a
nationalexpert on child support, she has acted as special
consultant to many state child support guidelines review
commissions, as well as to the federal government of Canada.
Morgans expertise encompasses all aspects of family law. She
is the co-author of Attacking and Defending Marital Agreements
(ABA 1st ed. 2001, 2d ed. 2012). She taught the Advanced Family
Law course at the United States Judge Advocate General School for
5 years, and she has participated in over 100 CLEs across the
country on a variety of family law topics. She is is on the Board
of Editors of the Journal
of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, The
American Journal of Family Law, and she served on the
Board of Editors of The Family
Advocate (ABA Section of Family Law) and Divorce
Litigation. Ms. Morgan has written law review articles for New
Mexico Law Review, The
Family Law Quarterly, Journal
of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, South
Carolina Law Review, and Canadian
Journal of Family Law. Her articles have also appeared in
the Wisconsin Bar Journal, Kansas Trial Lawyers’ Association
Journal, Tennesee Bar Journal, Florida Commentator, American
Journal of Family Law, Trial
Magazine, The
Practical Lawyer, The Journal of
the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, the Florida
Bar Journal. She is also a contributing author to
numerous family law manuals and compilations.
Ms. Morgan is a
member in good standing of the bars of Massachusetts and
Her current CV is available here.