When a family law
attorney needs assistance, either because of a short
deadline or because the issue is novel or complex and needs
extensive nationwide research, Family Law Consulting will provide
the precise assistance needed. The oral or written product is
tailored to the attorney's specific research needs and time
deadline, within an affordable budget, making Family Law
Consulting an effective way to save the family law attorney time
and money time that can be used more effectively in the
business of family law. The family law attorney contacts Family
Law Consulting, either by telephone, e-mail, or letter, and
Family Law Consulting and the attorney will mutually outline the
issue or issues to be researched, specify the written product,
and agree on a price and deadline, all before the research has
begun and without any cost incurred. The price is based
on a billing rate of $250 per hour. Given its more than thirty
years in research and writing, Family Law Consulting is able to
give a bottom line price for the research and writing at the
start of the project, based upon an estimate of how long the
project will take. This price will never be exceeded for the
agreed upon project. No surcharge is added for expedited service,
WestLaw, Fed-Ex, postage, or other overhead expenses. Further, if
the project takes less time than anticipated, only the number of
hours actually expended will be charged. Some family law
attorneys have been so pleased with Family Law Consulting and its
services, they have established an ongoing relationship with
Family Law Consulting, thereby increasing their savings. If an
attorney or law firm guarantees Family Law Consulting at least 15
hours of work per month for at least six consecutive months, the
billing rate drops to $200 per hour. |